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ORARIO NEGOZIO: dal Lunedì al Venerdì: 9.00 - 13.00 e 15.00 - 19.00; Sabato 9.00 - 12.30

BrewDog: Craft Beer for the People

Richard Taylor
28,80 €
Prezzo Scontato
14,40 €
Anno di Stampa:
Casa Editrice:
Caft beer is a force for all that is good in the world.
No, really,.
This book is our opportunity to prove that to you; to tell you just how amazing craft beer is. About how it embraces flavour and passion over everything else. How it fosters innovation and experimentation.
Along the way you'll find out about everything from how beer is made to the many different styles you can enjoy it in, how to pair your food with the perfect beer, how to cook with beer, and even how to have a go at brewing your own.
9781784722951 brew dog craft beer richard taylor watt mitchell beazley octopus
Mettiti in contatto con LibropoliVerona

Orari del Negozio

dal Lunedì al Venerdì
9.00 - 13.00 e 15.00 - 19.00

Dove Siamo

Via San Vitale, 7/a
37129 - VERONA


+ 39 045 59 40 08


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